
But That’s Not All!

The average person thinks of Vaseline as only a moisturizer to be used on dry skin. Little do they know Vaseline actually has over 100 uses. So we’re showing the world that Vaseline can do more than they think. And just when they think they’ve figured them all out we say…

But that’s not all!






The Endless Receipt

Receipts from CVS are known to be absurdly long. So what better place to list Vaseline’s endless uses. Besides, they’ve got the space.


The Never-Ending Foldout


In magazines, we are having a centerpiece fold out to reveal the uses of Vaseline. The more you unfold, the more possibilities you’ll discover!


Instagram Takeover

We’re taking over Instagram. You might see the same 100 posts every day for a week. You might see an ad 3 times in a row on your feed. Regardless, you’ll close IG knowing a lot more uses for Vaseline.


The Seemingly Non-Stop Flight


The Endless Endcap

We’re placing Vaseline in every section throughout stores to prove it can help with everything.

AD: Me
CW: Andrew Michal